Featuring our trade secret Tri-Tone method our self empowerment program uses advanced binaural beats for permanent self empowerment far surpassing the abilities of normal brainwave entrainment. 100% Free
The Magus’s Tri-Tone Binaural Beats Brainwave Entrainment Package
Copyright 2020: The Magus
These audio tracks and accompanying text file may be distributed freely, in whole not in part, but may not be sold.
Attention Epileptics: Brainwave entrainment may induce seizures or harm to you. While the tracks themselves are safe people who suffer from epilepsy or seizures should not use my brainwave entrainment programs or anyone else’s.
Headphones Required. This technology does not work using speakers.
See below for more information.
Tri-Tone Brainwave Entrainment
1. ADHD and Autism Treatment AKA Concentration Enhancer – This track is therapeutic to people who have ADHD and Autism or any other difficulty concentrating.
2. ESP and Psychic Enhancer – This track enhances ESP and psychic abilities in general.

3. General Intelligence Enhancer – This track raises general intelligence if used while studying or engaging in any practice meant to raise intelligence.

4. Healing Magick and Overcoming Addiction – This track will allow people who possess healing magick to enhance their abilities and is also therapeutic to people who suffer from drug or alcohol addiction.

5. Logic and Problem Solving Enhancement – This track will enhance logic and problem solving skills by listening to it while engaging in logic based pursuits and studies especially in regards to mathematical aptitudes.

6. Melatonin and Serotonin Increaser and Passive Learning – This track will help increase the amount of melatonin the brain generates which helps with sleeping problems and also helps the pineal gland convert melatonin into Serotonin which is the chemical equivalent of a dopamine that generates happiness in the brain. This is also an alternative passive learning track. Passive learning is what your brain learns for several hours after you have finished studying and to activate this alternative version of passive learning simply play the track after you finish studying.

7. Memory Enhancement – This track helps with memory retention, especially long term memory storage. I recommend using this when focusing on scholarly pursuits which involve memorization of information or when reading technical manuals or any kind of nonfiction in general.

8. Psychic and Psychokinetic Empowerment – This track is meant to help people who intend to enhance their psychic and psychokinetic abilities in general. This should be used in addition to some form of technique used to activate and control said latent abilities.

9. Reflex – Hand Eye Coordination – This helps enhance reflexes and any activities which synchronize the body and mind together (hand to eye coordination.) Recommended for skill sets such as martial arts, sports or any basic hand to eye coordination tasks.

10. Stress Reduction – This helps reduce stress in general leading to a clearer mind-state.

11. Strong Minded Stress Reduction – This alternate version of stress reduction helps enhance indomitable spirit and focuses on a ready and alert but relaxed mind-state Some people may find this more or less effective at reducing stress than the previous track as brainwave entrainment works differently for different people.

12. Stronger Passive Learning – This focuses directly on passive learning. This track may be more effective or less effective for some people than the melatonin and Serotonin version that also enhances this. The same instructions apply to listen to this track after you are done studying while you take a break.

13. Trance and Passive Learning – This focuses the mind into a trance like state, and is recommended to be used during meditation. If you meditate after studying while listening to this track you will gain the most benefit from this track. This track is recommended instead of the previous one if you are trying to relax in a way that doesn’t involve as much mental activity such as watching TV, listening to music, etc.

14. Visualizations, Clairvoyance and Spatial Learning Style – This track helps with visualization techniques performed in magickal and psychic exercises, general enhancement of clairvoyance, and with spatial learning style, which is the act of learning through visual interaction, such as watching instructional videos, looking at diagrams, studying maps, etc.
Anyone is allowed to use the brainwave entrainment program except for epileptics or people who suffer from seizures. Please make sure you are using headphones as this program does not work on speakers. Below is the download link to download the full package or individual tracks.
Brainwave Entrainment should not be used as a replacement for prescribed medication. If you have a psychiatrist or physician treating anything these tracks are related to you should consult them about how they affect you and follow their advice before you stop taking any prescribed medication.
Keep reading for more information on how the brainwave entrainment works and download links where you can download the package for free.

Brainwave entrainment is the less commonly known method of using sound or light patterns to emulate an altered mental state.
How it works: The use of binaural beats plays a tone in the left ear and a tone in the right ear. The higher tone as measured in hz minus the lower tone in hz equals the binaural beats frequency. Sound stimulates the brain through the ears as electricity. This causes the tones in the left and right ear to connect inside the corpus callous of the brain which connects the left and right hemispheres of the brain. This simple technique allows you to alter the brain’s electricity manually using a scientific measurement of hz in different ways. This simple practice can be emulated with nothing but a pair of headphones and some simple sound files such as MP3.
Our program can enhance mental abilities and is therapeutic to some mental health problems. The use of brainwave entrainment has been found in various studies to have an impact on mental health and mental facilities when using the binaural beats method. Our empowerment tracks focus on various forms of intelligence, memory, concentration, psychic ability and more. We also have therapeutic programs which help treat add, adhd, autism and alcohol and drug addiction.
The Tri-Tone Method of brainwave entrainment is unique from other forms of brainwave entrainment and is a trade secret of The Magus and The Joker Intelligence Agency. In addition to using two different tones in each ear (binaural beats) the Tri-Tone method uses three different binaural beats at once which change slightly in hz and in volume in a very specific pattern. This allows a more permanent entrainment method which helps increase your abilities even when you are no longer using the program far more effectively than regular brainwave entrainment.
The best part of all this is that you can access this package of the superior Tri-Tone method free online. We were more interested in making something that helped people than we were in making money. You can try out the package for free and download it as a single archive or individual MP3 files you want to keep using it.
This download package includes the Brainwave Entrainment. These brainwave entrainment programs are each 45 minutes long. The temporary effects of an enhanced mind-state should last during the full 45 minutes and about an hour afterwards. Simply listen to the tracks all the way through when engaging their intended purpose. One hour after the full 45 minute tracks has been finished you can play the track again to reactivate its temporary effects.
Remember that you need headphones for this to work due to how the technology functions. If you appreciate the effects you can download the tracks you want using the links under the player. You can bookmark this page and come back, but we encourage you to download the package if you want to keep using it.
If you want to share the program online with a lot of people you can share a link to this webpage or the PDF file that comes with the full download package which contains a download link. This copyright is 100% free to share.
Please Note: Brainwave Entrainment is most effective if you actually do something related to the brainwave entrainment while listening to it or after listening to it. To see enhancement of memory, concentration, hand to eye coordination, passive learning, psychic ability, etc it is best to actively work on these things while or after listening to the brainwave entrainment. The above playlist contains a short description of what each track does, but you should keep this in mind when testing it to see if it is worth downloading to use in the future.
Click Here to download the package of all Brainwave Entrainment Tracks as well as this description.
Click Here to download individual tracks as sound files for later usage.

High Quality Spells at Cheap Prices
1. Seven Witches Coven - A great place to buy spells for both basic purposes and advanced custom spells for specific requests. The prices are a little more than the fiverr spells, but they are very high quality spell casters that I have been using for years when I need help with something difficult in magick or just to enhance my own spells. They are very powerful and provide a high quality service, but they are not as expensive as most websites which will charge more for selling the same spells. In my experience they have always honored their money back guarantee if a spell does not reach the intended result. A lot of spell casting services online claim to do money back guarantee and not honor it and on top of that charge more for their spells than this website. If you're not happy with your results you can always contact them for a refund.
If you are a practicing magickian yourself you can also purchase a number of spells to enhance your craft. I strongly recommend for this cause the "success achiever" and the "acceleration" spells as these castors can apply these things directly to your spells as well as to inspire you with good improvements to your craft.
2. Mystical Witch - Mystical Witch is an Etsy seller who sells spells online. 7 Witches Coven spells are different and more expensive than a lot of Mystical Witch spells, but Mystical Witch is the best person to turn to on a budget. I've used this professional for years and gotten a lot of success and help from all his spells many times over. If you are a practicing magickian yourself I recommend the Magnify the Magick spell. This spell can be used to enhance your own spellwork and magick both by inspiring you to be more effective and in boosting the spell itself directly. If you want any of the basic spell work people do you can get it here cheaper, but still with high quality magick if you stick with this user.
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